


2019.05.08 Official Event "Lion Dance: Sanuki Tradition - entering a new era" will be performed in Shodoshima and Takamatsu port on 12(Sun) May.

Official Event E26
Lion Dance: Sanuki Tradition - entering a new era, which will be performed at tent space of Takamatsu sunport, will be also performed in Shodoshima and Takamatsu port on 12(Sun) May.

12 MAY (Sun) 2019

13:30~13:45 Obe-area, inside of Lin Shuen Long's art "Beyond the Border - Wave"
15:00~15:15 Nakayama-area, inside of Wang Wen Chih's art "Love in Shodoshima"

<Takamatsu port>
17:50~18:05 In front of Shinji Ohmaki 「Liminal Air –core-」

Admission fee:
Free( Required a passport or admission fee 300 yen to enter artwork in Shodoshima, if you are over 15years old.)

The performer:
Asakura-Lion dance

・Please make sure you will bring your hat or cap and drinks to protect yourself against hot weather.
・In the case of cancellation due to rain, we will announce on official website. Please contact Setouchi Triennale General Information Center (tel 087-813-2244) whenever you find something unclear.

Applicationf for media coverage:
For media coverage, please write the following items and apply to by 17:00 of 10th(Fri).
①Company name and department name
②name of the person in charge
③The phone number

About Asakura-Lion dance
About 100 years ago, when Asakura-Kasuga shrine in Asakura, Miki-town has built, Asakura-Lion dance was revived on the basis of Botan-kuzushi( a kind of rough performance) in Iwanami area of Higashi-Ueda, Takamatsu. For that a reason, Asakura-Lion dance which is sycronized 3 Lions; a parent lion, a child lion and a grandchild lion, differ from other extant Botan-kuzushi in Miki-town.
The size of Asakura-Lion is different for each lion, large, medium and small. Therefore, danced lion is changed by growth of performer.
The performer has been learning Lion-dance from the childhood, so Lion-dance is performed by a large family with connecting generations.