
Photo:Yasuhide Kuge

Photo:Yasuhide Kuge

  • 여름
  • 가을

크리스티앙 볼탕스키

작품 No. te15-B

Les Archives du Coeur

Here visitors can listen to an archive of heartbeats from around the world. The building contains an installation, a room where visitors can listen to heartbeats, and a recording room.

작품 정보

지역 데시마 카라토하마
개관 시간 10:00-17:00 (Last admittance 16:30) *9:00-17:00(9/28-11/4, except for closing days)
휴일 Tuesdays (March 1 - November 30)
Tuesdays to Thursdays (December 1 - last day of February)
*Open on national holidays but closed the next day.
*Open on Tuesdays when Monday falls on a national holiday but closed on the next day.
*Please check the Benesse Art Site Naoshima Official Website about opening hours besides Triennale 2019.
요금 510 엔 (520 yen from October 1st, 2019.)
*free for children 15 and under
Recording fee (with CD booklet): 1,540 yen (1,570 yen from October 1st, 2019.) *For recording and the CD-booklet. You can bring a CD-booklet of your heartbeats home.
비고 Management: Fukutake Foundation | Benesse Art Site Naoshima Official Website>

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